First things first......
courtesy of Kanga |
plaid bf shirt: Winners
cargo leggings: Costa Blanca
boots: Miss Sixty
watch: Fossil
ring: Puerto Rico
hair inspiration: Farrah Fawcett
On Wednesday, God took a giant white shit all over Toronto. Not only were the streets absolutely covered with snow, the wind was blowing something fierce (withahighwaist) and it was well below -10. As I was trudging home thru this winter wonderland.....still freezing despite my winter boots, scarf, touqe, and mittens.....I saw a homeless man sitting on the street bundled up in a parka. I must admit, when I see homeless people my first reaction is not always sympathetic. I feel like if I can get up everyday and go to a job that I hate so much it makes me cry, why cant they do the same? People, especially men, who expect handouts and dont work sicken me. I will always have respect for the working man.....and pretty much anyone who has a job.
Anyways, as I passed him, I noticed a black mass on the floor beside him. I looked closer and noticed it was a beautiful large dog laying in the snow, in sub-zero temperatures, under dirty blankets and several large pieces of cardboard. I think I actually felt my heart break.
If this story is not a testament to how wonderful dogs are, I dont know what would be. Despite the fact that this beautiful animal was freezing cold, dirty, and homeless, it was sitting there peacefully (but obviously uncomfortably), not uttering even a noise of discontent. This is the beauty, the heartbreaking beauty of a dog: they know how to be a loyal friend like no other. They will put their own comfort & needs on the backburner to make sure ther masters are ok. They will follow you to Hades itself just to be by your side. They stand by you, strong and without judgement, and offer themselves to you. They could care less about anything superficial that everyone else seems to notice: weight, appearance, finances....they just love you.
Right now, as I type with tears in my eyes, I think of my little friend & companion, Bearoo. 2011 will be our 10th year together, and just like that homeless pooch on the street, he has stood strong & unbroken by my side thru thick and thin. Even when I lose my patience with him, he loves me. Even when I gain 5 lbs, he loves me. Even when I have no money in my bank account, he loves me. He loves me, he loves me, he loves me. The concept of "he loves me not" does not exist in his world. He longs to be near me always, he is quick to lick away my tears when I cry, and when Im exagerration.....the little guy keeps a candle-lit vigil by my bedside.
I dedicate this post to my Bearoo. Thank you my darling, my silly little thing, my best friend. Everything I know about loyalty and unselfishness is because of you. Just when I think its impossible to love you more, you do of your silly little looks or tricks.....and my heart grows even bigger for you. Your love for me is perfect; and I am a better woman/friend/lover/sister/daughter/human being because of it. I know youre a big boy now, almost 11 years old, and I know youre time here is limited. I want you to know that this fact fills me with such a deep, searing pain that I dont even allow my mind to wander into that territory. But for now, youre here with me, and I promise I will do all in my power to keep you healthy, comfortable, and happy. All you have to do is keep loving me and be adorable: 2 things that thankfully, you are a master at. Mommy loves you more than you could ever dream of.
For all you do, THANK DOG.
collar: Louis Vuitton