Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Winter Blah Blah Blahs....

I am completely over wearing tights under everything.
I am completely over hat hair.
I am completely over wearing my downfill parka.
I am completely over salt stains.
I am completely over slathering myself with cocoa butter and still having dry skin.
I am completely over it getting dark at 4:45pm.
I am completely over the sky being a non-descript off-white colour.
I am completely over exhaling a cloud of smoke even tho theres no cigarette in my hand.
I am completely over the lack of colour in my skin.
I am completely over the fact that theres still another 2 months of this bullshit ahead.
I am completely over my lips chapping.
I am completely over my perpetually runny nose.
I am completely over wanting to do nothing but put on flannel PJ's and eat an entire casserole.

And apparently, I am completely over washing my hair:

courtesy of Kanga

courtesy of Kanga

cardi: Urban Outfitters
v-neck tee: Garage
belt: Aritzia
High-waist skirt: Urban Outfitters
tights: H&M
boots: Ebay
watch: Guess
braid: styled by Kanga....who secretly takes great pleasure in yanking my hair in every direction *bitch*

I am so envious of the male grooming ritual:  lather, rinse, step out of the shower and shake like a dog.  Washing & styling my hair is a 45 minute ordeal, and altho I feel lovely when my hair is done......I dont always have the energy to make it happen.  I realize that what Im about to admit acknowledges the fact that my superficiality has reached new heights, but Im gonna say it anyways:  My hairstyle plays a huge role in determining my mood.  I am in a significantly better mood when its clean and styled properly vs. I feel cranky when its dirty and thrown up into a bun or braids.

Who needs paxil when you have a hot roller set??