So I was completely wasted last night. It started at Terronis on Adelaide (where years ago I actually hostessed for 1 day & quit after they told me part of my job was to make sure all the TP in the ladies washroom was restocked) and ended with some serious self-loathing this morning. We went from Terronis to Real Sports (highly overrated) and i ended up in bed drunk-texting my most recent ex. Not a crazy-sexy-cool text like "Hi honey...whats up....missin u & hope ur well.....muah!"........but a really nasty one. Like I mean I spit some serious venom at the muthafucka. Was it my finest & most dignified 45 minutes? No. Would I take it back? Not necessarily. Even though I know that relationship is completely over & this may not be the PC thing to do, I fully admit that I am still very impressed by my ex. He has a lot of the qualities I look for in a man: dominant, masculine, self-made, the fact that he had a huge wang didnt hurt either.
Anyways, nothing soothes a gnarly hangover like brekkie from Dirty Ron's. I always go for the Sausage & Egg McMuffin with a hasbrown.....and the only acceptable way to eat it is by breaking the hashbrown in two and shoving half of it into the McMuffin:
Even tho all I want to do is curl up in my jammies & sleep right now, i still attempted to look somewhat fiercewithahighwaist this morning. Always remember, no matter how bad you feel on the inside you HAVE to make some sort of effort, because honey, the world preys on those who look weak:
shirt: H&M
skinny belt: Aritzia
old school jeggings: Ebay
boots: Aldo
 | it me or do leather boots look so much fuckin cooler when theyre worn in? |
photos courtesy of Kanga |
Im really really proud to say Im wearing old school jeggings...which are made of actual thin cloth-like material (like leggings) but have the wash & stitching like a pair of jeans. The type of "jeggings" (god, for some reason I cant stand that word) that most stores carry nowadays arent really jeggings at all....they're just skinny jeans. Check me out....I sound like a fashion OG!!!!!